Fox News stealth lib, Shepard Smith, is cranking up his anti-Israel bias while reporting from the Israel-Lebanon border.
Yesterday he reported on “an Arab girl” being killed in an Arab village in Israel by an incoming Hezbollah rocket.
Taking a rather routine “town in mourning“ story, Smith was compelled to stress, “The locals tell us that the Israelis provide bomb shelters in mostly Jewish towns. In this particular town…(dramatic pause) no bomb shelter.”
In the entire 2:30 of the report, Hezbollah terrorists, the scum who fired the deadly weapon into a civilian population and are solely responsible for the girl's death, is mentioned once at the start of the piece. Therein after, Smith chose to refer only to the “rocket” in much the same way the U.S. news media consistently singles out “SUVs” as the entity solely responsible for deadly accidents in which they are involved.
He routinely paints Hezbollah as a social services agency, pointing out that it has "long provided necessary services" to the Lebanese populace. The other day, Smith, filing his story from near the Lebanese border, signed off with “Inshallah” – Arabic for “If Allah wills it.”
Of particular note is his over the line grilling of an Israeli Air Force officer two or three days ago. He spoke to a flight helmeted piloted who had presumably just returned from a combat mission over Lebanon:
“Do you think about the people of Lebanon at all?…
“Their cities and towns are being destroyed. They can’t live their lives, much as your people in the North. Do you have sympathy for them (the Lebanese)?"
“Do you feel good about this mission… how do you feel about what you do here? Do you feel is it right, and proper in every way?”
But GA, those are fair questions.
No. He does not demand the same answers from the IslamoNazis, not for the understandable collateral damage in modern warfare, but for the intentional and purposeful murder of non-combatants, women and children every day; his intellectual dishonesty and his bias are obvious.
I say “stealth lib” because Smith is clearly left of center, but hides behind the Fox News “conservative” public image. He is little more than a slick opportunist and will soon be parlaying his notoriety at Fox into a big time network contract. Obviously his true politics, which increasingly seep out in his work as he gets more comfortable with his rising star status, will be an asset at CBSABCNBC.
Smith talks more and says less than even Gerry Rivers Geraldo Rivera; "Shep" is the most verbose talking head on cable. Were it not for "The View", he'd be the the most verbose on television.
His near hysterical reporting on the Katrina flood was a clear indication of his left/socialist attitude… stamping his little feet, virtually screaming “somebody DO something.”
He is an embarrassment to common sense, professionalism and men everywhere… though perhaps not as much as Anderson Cooper and his crybaby report from the hurricane disaster which I’m sure it got him an immediate booking on Oprah!
The Fox darling has a personal side that is as colorful as it is closeted.
“Shep” was arrested while covering the 2000 election story in Florida and charged with aggravated battery with a motor vehicle after arguing with a female reporter over a parking space.
Last year, during a routine report about Jennifer Lopez and a disagreement with neighbors in her old New York neighborhood, Smith inexplicably said, "But folks from that street in New York, the Bronx section, sound more likely to give her a curb job than a blow job!"
He tried to recover with, "Or a bl-bl-block party!" but it only added to the level of studio discomfort. After some B roll of Lopez, Smith lamely intoned, “"Sorry about that slip-up there," he said. "I have no idea how that happened, but it won't happen again."
No kidding.
Hear it yourownself here.
Smith (as well as his fellow traveler over at CNN, Cooper) is outed on a regular basis in gay blog sites and publications.
My gaydar is as good as any straight guy's, and it has seemed obvious to me since he, Smith, came to prominence. Cooper I don't watch enough to offer and opinion.
Smith's preference for men is one of the best known secrets in the country. Therefore, it’s hard to consider him a person of conviction and integrity, but I guess hiding at Fox News is better than in the priesthood.
.... not that there's anything wrong with that.
--- And in other Gay Gnus: Alleged celebrity Lance Bass of the now defunct boy band, 'N Sync, has revealed that he is gay.
Whoa.... everyone out there who is surprised, raise yer hands.
None? ok.
The AP reports that Bass is in "a 'very stable' relationship with a reality show star." Bass, told People magazine that he didn't earlier disclose his sexuality because he didn't want to affect the group's popularity.
Well, you can't get more stable than a TV reality show.
meant something more along the lines of Whether rather than Rather above.
Posted by: Grimmy | July 27, 2006 at 08:43 PM
Rather he's queer or not don't really matter much to me. What causes me to dismiss that twit (Smith) is his obvious idiocy.
The guy cant catch a clue. He's no more informed, or appearently inform-able, than the average middle schooler.
His opinions are always, at best, juvenile. His understanding of events couldn't possibly be shallower.
The fact that such an idiot ever made it past "entertainment watch" type "news" is a bright and shining example of why the msm as a whole is no longer viable.
Posted by: Grimmy | July 27, 2006 at 08:40 PM