It requires an infinite amount of cowardice to commit murderous aggression for 60 years and then cry foul when the victim rises from his knees intent on retribution, death and destruction.
So it is once again with the Arab nations... their virulent brand of anti-semitism that is beyond nation-state borders, Islamofascism, politics and religion unites them in single purpose to see the Jews removed from the face of the earth. Nazi Germany, in its heart, was no worse Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and all the rest.
And once again the Arabs are reaping the whirlwind, and justly so. The time has come for Israel to destroy its enemies to the extent that once again it than can live in relative peace, though Jews will never be safe as long as Arabs exist.
The hatred of the Jews is seen not only in the eyes of the Muslims, but in the relatively benign anti-Semitism of West Europe and liberal America as well; it is displayed daily on the floor of the United Nations.
- In 1975 the UN, a haven for terrorists and racists, passed by a 72 to 35 margin the most harmful of all its anti-Israel resolutions, equating Zionism with racism, and that it was "a threat to world peace and security." It was finally repealed in 1991.
- At the 1984 UN Human Rights Commission's conference on religious tolerance, the Saudi Arabian delegate, Marouf al-Dawalibi stated, "The Talmud says that if a Jew does not drink every year the blood of a non-Jewish man, he will be damned for eternity." This outrageous blood libel was repeated during the 1991 conference, when the Syrian Ambassador insisted that Jews killed Christian children to use their blood for Passover.
- Through November 2003, 101 of the 681 UN resolutions on the Middle East conflict referred directly to Palestinian refugees. Not one mentioned the Jewish refugees from Arab countries.
- It was not until January 24, 2005 -- the 60th Anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camps that the UN convened to commemorate the Holocaust. This was the first Israeli-initiated resolution the General Assembly has ever passed.
- The UN routinely adopts resolutions critical of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, but it has never adopted a single resolution unequivocally condemning violence against Israeli citizens. The most blatant example of the UN's anti-Semitism came in 2003 when Israel offered a draft resolution in the General Assembly for the first time in 27 years.
- It called for the protection of Israeli children from terrorism; it failed to receive enough support from the members of the General Assembly to even come to a vote. Israel had introduced the resolution in response to the murder of dozens of Israeli children in terrorist attacks. Earlier a similar resolution had been adopted by a UN committee calling for the protection of Palestinian children from “Israeli aggression.” Israel's ambassador withdrew the proposed draft after it became clear that members of the nonaligned movement were determined to revise it in such a way that it would have ultimately been critical of Israel.
In its latest ultimatum, Israel has given Syria 72 hours to call off its Hezbollah dogs and release its soldiers or it will face the "an offensive (of) disastrous consequences.”
An IDF officer said Israeli planes Saturday struck houses in Southern Lebanon villages used by Hezbullah to conceal long-range rockets. ‘We have no intention of hitting civilians, but those who live by the sword are bound to get hurt,’ he said.
There is no doubt that Iran ordered the provocative act of killing and and capturing soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces in an effort to obstruct US efforts to end its drive toward production of nuclear weapons. Syria's complicity is as obvious as the rags on their heads.
Israel quickly responded with a naval blockade and by bombing hundreds of targets in Lebanon, including Beirut's airport and Hezbollah's headquarters in southern Beirut. Hezbollah responded with rocket attacks targeting northern Israeli cities. Fighting leaves dozens of Lebanese civilians dead and coincides with a two-week-old Israeli military campaign in Gaza in response to the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier by Palestinian militants.
The weapon that heavily damaged an Israeli warship yesterday was a missile fired by Hezbollah with the help of elite Iranian troops... not an explosive-laden, unmanned drone as was previously believed.
Hezbollah rockets continue to hit northern Israel. Right now IDF airstrikes rain down on central Beruit.... the same Hezbollah killing ground that claimed the lives of 241 U.S. Marines, sailors and soldiers on Oct. 23, 1983.
It is my hope that this time Israel, and with our direct participation if neeeds be, punishes these submans completely.
May the sons and daughters of Zion crush their enemies, our enemies, to the very dust from which they will arise no more.
The Israelis are behaving no better than members of the German army that ploughed through Eastern Europe in the 1940's. For every German/Israeli soldier killed, the Germans/Israelis kill 100 of the it man, woman, or child. Remember...the persecuted become the persecutors. The Israelis are out for revenge, and they have the world's largest "guilt bank account." Meaning...anyone who remotely criticizes Israeli army behaviour, called anti-Semitic. The Israeli army has learned well the lessons of the Irgun and the Stern Gang....thugs who called themselves "freedom fighters." One only has to read "The Jewish Mind" by Raphael Patai to realize the "sense of superiority" the Jews in Israel feel and think. They are ABOVE THE LAW, ANY LAW, and kill for fun, a "sense of righteousness" and "getting back." Shooting Palestinian children at point blank range is hardly "fighting for democracy." It is simply the Jewish way of trying to "kill all the Arabs,"....."one way or another."
Posted by: Doug | January 17, 2009 at 09:49 PM
OMG--numbskulls like you still exist? Oh that's right...this post was from 06. Back when folks like you claimed G. Bush wasn't retarded lol
Posted by: Chris | January 10, 2009 at 07:04 PM
The academic discussion of when and how the struggle for independence and liberty began, and of it's many incarnations, the philosphy of one form or other of freedom, and arguments over versions of perfection are for now as quaint as the Victrola. Those impassioned words are fine for the classroom, or in one's den among friends after dessert. They should not ever be dismissed for they are important in the broad scheme of freeing the enslaved and liberating from tyranny.
But for now the friends of liberty must turn our attention to the war being waged for the destruction of Israel, and for the destruction of any form of freedom there or in our back yards. That same struggle will be waged on Main Street when the enemy is able to cause it. The war is not one of disagreements over boundries, exactly, but one of the eradication of any but 'those who are like us'. That means me and you, brother.
Whether you were born in Egypt or Cairo Illinois if you are not 'like us' you are the enemy and you are to die. Simple isn't it? Doesn't require an academic degree nor the approval of a higher commitee. No meetings of a council of the fill-in-the-blank and no waiting for the word to go over the top. No, all that has been forgone to allow a cultural hate to simmer for generations, stoked by venomous jealousy of those who once were in a faraway place or in a filthy ghetto but whom are now thriving and happy right next door.
The Jews have been targeted for thousands of years and are now the convenient outlet for the hate of freedom. If not now it would have come later. For them, liberty cannot be allowed, and Jews must be eliminated because they are Jews. Senseless but accurate. Also accurate is that it is suicide to allow the continued agression toward freedom.
We are at the brink of war and it is a war unlike any we have seen and it is one that will not be understood by most of us, including it's direct victims. Without a politically unpopular decision this war will be lost to those who want you and me dead. The decision is soon to be made, I'm afraid, barring a miracle that I am praying for. When and if it comes those who support freedom and liberty must understand that the tactics of appeasment failed and failed badly.
Dan Patterson
Arrogant Infidel
Posted by: Dan Patterson | July 15, 2006 at 08:33 PM