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October 09, 2007


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I would have to say this kinda thing Is o hard todeal with. im glad its over.
i feel for the families who had to suffer through this whole thing.
One of those girls could have been me, or my sister. I would not be able to live with myself if something like this was to happen to her. I believe people who Commit Murders, i think there is something wrong in the brain with them. No regualr person goes and kills. ifthey wanted pussy that bad go get a Prostitute.


These guys are evil and should be castrated. Because a couple of them are under 18, they have life sentences. Hopefully they get what they deserve in prison, if it's anything like the tv series OZ. I have no sympathy for what these scum did to these innocent girls.


justice has prevailed and medellin has been dead almost an hour now. long live the death penalty for scum like this, with the nerve to complain about not having tv and wanting to join the military. don't you have to have integrity for that, you bleepin gang banger...


Hello! Quality content! Regards,


Thanks, you just ruined my day. No TV??? That asshole should be dead. How can ANYONE, back his right to breath air. I feel ill.


Wow - there are so many aspects of this case that could be commented on... the difficult choices a President must make, the life-changing choices made by all the people involved (the girls and the sub-humans) made, to the way that, in America, we so often choose to protect the wrong people, at the expense of the innocent or deserving.

The girls paid a heavy price for a minor mistake. I think the boys were already firmly entrenched on their evil path... it was just a matter of who and how many their victims would be.

No punishment will undo what they did, or be "enough". But, still, I say give him a TV. Then play a Barney tape, on a continuous loop, 24/7, for the rest of his life.

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