Best lines on last night's multi-hour performance art.....
Joshua Green -- "Clinton didn't seem angry or betrayed or entitled or any of the things that critics have attributed to her—she seemed merely unenthused, and so did the audience."
Sen. Dennis Kucinich... "hopped and screamed like a meth-addled Smurf."
"Clinton does magnanimity like Robin Williams does understatement: it doesn't come naturally."
I seldom watch national conventions or presidential "debates" because they're all light and no heat, but I did see news clips and read about them online.
I did however tune it to see Clinton... no, not her... him.
His performance before she began speaking was pure Billy Jeff snake oil con.... he bit his lip in the several different ways he uses it instead of displaying real emotion, and mouthed "I love you" twice as Hil basked in the welcome; she artificially kept the applause going for about 30 seconds too long... her forte.
All the while he did this because he knew the camera was on him in tight close up; it was obvious because Hillary was acknowledging the crowd, not looking at Bill, seated a hard 90 degrees to her right.
And in a flourish, he actually was able to tear up on cue... again, with the knowledge he was on camera.
Cold nights sweats.... if The One wins in November, one sure way of getting rid of the specter of Hillary and her goofy, bumpkin spouse for at least eight years would be to (especially with the help of a filibuster-proof dem congress) ............. appoint her to the Supreme Court.
I also caught a couple of minutes of pre-convention MessNBC coverage by Matthews and Keith Olbermann.
They make "Dumb and Dumber" looks like a Chekov play.
I am convinced that Matthews, disabled by four years as Jimmy Carter's speech writer, should qualify for employment in a sheltered workshop where he can be cared for and still be productive.
Olby, on the other hand, is simply a raving loon and long-term, in-patient care in a quiet and nurturing facility is the only appropriate and humane answer.
Socratic environs the only appropriate setting for The One:
First, Obama got rid of the American flag on his campaign jet which he christened "O Force One", and then presented himself in Deutschland as a "citizen of the world", and then went on to redesign the Presidential Seal in varying shades of U.N. helmet blue before it was laughed off the stage; now he's outdone himself.
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.
"Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington's Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party's nomination for president.
"He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.
"Once Obama speaks, confetti will rain down on him and fireworks will be fired off from locations around the stadium wall."
Why am I thinking about the Stonehenge gag in "This is Spinal Tap"?
Allahpundit, who writes over at, nails it:
"Too staid for my tastes. What about a giant plaster Lincoln head descending from the sky with Obama inside, and once it hits the stage he breaks through out of the top hat like the Hulk?
"Or how about the lights come up to reveal statues of Jesus, MLK, Gandhi, and The One — except his isn’t a statue, it’s really him and he was just standing perfectly still. Then he comes “magically” to life as the camera hits him.
And... the drive by media has reported in this, but most neglected:
The Denver Post reports:
That's not the real Air Force One at Invesco Field.
But it sure looks like it.
A full-scale replica of the fuselage of the presidential plane came in today from Kansas.
It's part of the memorabilia display, The American Presidential Experience, which will be open through the Democratic National Convention.
Tickets to the exhibit, which is closed to the general public Aug. 28 for security reasons during Sen. Barack Obama's speech, are available at the Invesco box office at $15 for adults and $10 for children and seniors.
For more information, go to
Boy that's great timing... there just in time for The Messiah's speech.
Will wonders miracles never cease?
Thank you for watching and reporting on all that... so I didn't have to.
I expect it is worse than sitting through the Olympics.. only without the hope of someone setting a world record.
Posted by: Fire @ Will | August 27, 2008 at 06:39 PM