My old friend TOL and I used to pride ourselves in seeing the absurdity when it raises its ugly serpent head (image: James Carvell).
Absurdity is even better when it is just as funny as it is absurd (image: Dennis The Dwarf's speech last night).
But this is beyond parody, it's beyond ironic; I'll have to invent a new word for it:
We all remember how Barry O. howled in protest when McCain correctly pointed out he is nothing more than a celebrity on the level of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.
This just in:
The NY Post is reporting that the Messiah's stage for tonight speech... the "Baracopolis"... was designed by Britney's tour set designers.
"The NY Post devotes today's cover to the elaborate stage being built for Barack Obama's Democratic presidential nomination acceptance today in Denver. The Post proclaims, BARACK OBAMA'S TEMPLE OF DEMOCRATS ON MT. O-LYMPUS, noting that it was "built by the same cheesy set team that put together Britney Spears' last tour."
Nicely written observation about what Obama is wagering by breaking up the "Joementum" created in the Pepsi Center and moving everything to Mile High Stadium, by Peggy Noonan.
And speaking of ad absurdum...
From the great Dave Barry:
Every political party has it's ardent supporters; this democrat backer is fighting against the world's creepy bird watchers who are nothing more than animal sex voyeurs who get their kicks from peeping on the innocent (and private) love making in the avian world.
And she wants it stopped NOW.
I'm not kidding; neither is Barry.
And after Barry stopped stalking Daryl Hannah, an uber-Greenie and former fish-woman, furnished yesterday's money quote when she responded to the question, "Have you attended any of the convention?"
"I will not enter a building that is built on obesity and diabetes."
Biden time.
The next two months are gonna be great thanks to Sir Gaffealot, Little Joey Biden; the Hill reports:
Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden might be the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but for at least a split second Wednesday, he got confused about some very simple military terminology.
Speaking at the Democratic National Convention about Sen. Barack Obama’s foreign policy judgment, Biden stated that Obama has advocated for two additional battalions in Afghanistan.
In fact, Obama called for two extra brigades – a small verbal slip, but a significant numerical one. A brigade is composed of a varying number of battalions. Biden's prepared remarks included the correct term.
For the GOP, the mistake is sure to be fodder for their efforts to label Biden a gaffe machine.
One of the great places for bikers in Colorado is The Buffalo Rose, just a hangover from the Coors Brewery which made Golden Colorado a household word.
For some unknown reason the Rose's owner offered the 150 year-old watering hole as the base of operations for the Qatar-based, raghead propaganda arm of international terrorism. The broadcasters were there to show their Middle Eastern viewers the residents of a small town the the American West watching the Obama coronation. Yeah, just what I thought--boring as hell.
Word spread that three rival biker gangs -- the Sons of Silence, the Banditos and the Hell's Angels -- declared a truce for tonight so they could meet at the Buffalo Rose in a united protest against al-Jazeera. But the network stood its ground and set up its cameras.
Considering the above, I know two things... 1). I wouldn't be within a 50 miles of the Buffalo Rose right now, and 2). these al-Jazeeras are too stupid to pour piss outta a boot.
Derka derka derka-derka; derka, derka, derka... derka derka.
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