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August 02, 2008


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To begin with the movie Tootsie is classified as a genre of ronamce and comic.This movie is produced in New York. The protagonist is Michael Dorsey and he is the most important character in the film.The situation of this movie is of a man that is a talent actor but for reasons of money he decides to dress like a woman.For the reason that he cannot continue woring in the job he has and that his manager tell him nobody would hire him because he is unemployed by that time. So there is where Dorothy appears and he starts working as a women is a soap opera in televison where he becames so famous. He gets the job here but he did it without having the intention of hurting anyone and also anyone in the place knew that he was a man dresses like a woman.In addition he falls in love with one of the woman that works with him in the soap opera. Thre is only one friend that knows what he is doing. He has one problem and is that his bestfriend falls in love with him but he didn't treat her well for the reason that he is in love with the other woman.The characters of this movie are really good actors evryone seems to knoe what they are doing.THe way the character acts in the movie is ok and the decision the man takes to wear women's clothin instead of try to find a job in the way he is seems to me very intelligent. Because he could only accept that he was unemployed but no he decides to do something so that he could work. The stes in the movie are really well done and I like the part where the father of the woman that acts in the ospa opera gives a ring to dorothy without knowing thta she was a man.The lightnoing is was ok in every scene you could see everything ok and well iluminated. The costumes the actors used where a little diffrerent form he ones we use right now but eventhough they were not the same they look ok.Furthermore th emusic they put inspires the movie to look more interesting, there were not that much music but it was ok. This movie could be reall in life because sometimes when people dont have jobs or they got fire they do everything they can to have a job.I will really recommend this movie to my audience because itis interesting to see how his man do all that work with enthusiam and it really leave us a message of life.

Larry K

I'm not all that surprised that Commissioner Price and Judge Jones were offended by the term "black hole." When do YOU think they last skimmed a book on astrophysics? Or maybe Commissioner Kenny didn't sufficiently enunciate the "l" in "hole."

Larry K

I'm not all that surprised that Commissioner Price and Judge Jones were offended by the term "black hole." When do YOU think they last skimmed a book on astrophysics? Or maybe Commissioner Kenny didn't sufficiently enunciate the "l" in "hole."

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