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« Time has come today; cant put it off another day | Main | This is the end, my friend. and good riddance »

October 26, 2009


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thats because most of you want this htlciopeer to perform like a 200$ 4channel when in reality you're to chicken shit to move on in this world xD spend the extra money and buy a better quality heli or quit crying about a stocking stuffer for kids :'( blah blah blah stfu ya'll lol

pontiff alex

Melody....putters.... balls....holes.....NAH! He's too much a pussy, and he KNOWS Michelle would run a gut hook knife from his belly button to his trachea!!

pontiff alex

I SWEAR it DOES look just like the bedspread at my late grandmothers house!!! "It's CAMO"

Windy Wilson

The only saving grace is that Jackie Kennedy and Lady Bird Johnson are dead. That they should be forced to see the press fawining over a fashion disaster would be too much. Hell, even Rosalyn Carter had better color sense.

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