Joseph Ashby of the American Thinker—not the NYT or WaPo or CBS—reports:
“The plot thickens on the media’s character-lynching of Rush Limbaugh. Of the four stories run on about Limbaugh’s bid for the Rams (October 6, October 12, October 15, and another October 15) none of them mention that NFL Players Association Executive Director Maurice Smith served as counsel to Attorney General Eric Holder and was a member of Barack Obama’s transition team.”
Obviously out to torpedo Limbaugh’s bid to join the ownership of the St. Louis Rams, Smith sent an e-mail to the union's executive committee last Saturday which stated:
I've spoken to the Commissioner [Roger Goodell] and I understand that this (Limbaugh’s) ownership consideration is in the early stages. But sport in America is at its best when it unifies, gives all of us reason to cheer, and when it transcends. Our sport does exactly that when it overcomes division and rejects discrimination and hatred.
As I posted yesterday, “… if this can happen to Limbaugh, considering he is the proverbial 600-pound gorilla of broadcasting and has…. well, Rush dollars, it can happen to any of us.”
Make no mistake, this was a political hit.
If you don’t think that the Administration’s ballerina, Rahm Emmanuel, picked up the phone and call Obama’s house boy, Eric Holder the Attorney General, and told him to call Smith to play the players’ race card, well, I don’t have time to go through it again.
YLSIL: But GA, that’s just big time politics; (wait for left-wing default response)….. everyone does it.
GA: I’ll defer to Ashby’s Thinker piece:
“… never in American history has someone had so much power to pummel his political opponents as President Obama. With control over banks, insurance companies, car companies, media (sports media included) and unions (like the NFL players union), Obama tentacles seem to penetrate into nearly every corner of the nation.
It is, after all, the Chicago way.
While Real America fights the enemies here at home, our troops carry the battle to the enemy in Afghanistan, one arm behind their back.
Obama’s had some “meetings” about strategy over the last several days, despite saying six months ago he had his Af-Pak strategy in place.
Taliban militants have now killed more Americans and other troops deployed by NATO this year than in any of the previous years since President Bush ordered the invasion in 2001.
And Gen. McChrystal’s 40,000+ troop request goes unheeded in the White House where the president votes “present”. Four more of our troops were killed by an IED today, while their Commander-in-chief holds a fund-raiser in Cali and speaks in my state, to "engage the nation" in ironically….. volunteerism.
Either or
"In 30 years on Capitol Hill, I never saw Congress mangle the defense budget as badly as this year," said Winslow Wheeler, a former Senate staffer who worked on defense funding and oversight for both Republicans and Democrats.
The Senate has siphoned off $2.6 billion from DoD accounts that literally pay for fuel, ammunition and training for U.S. troops, including those fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And used for what instead?
Well, there’s the $20 million stolen to to launch an educational institute to be named after Sen. Ted Kennedy.
In what was called "a worthy investment", the cash was taken from the support and training accounts by Sen. Dan Inouye (a Medal of Honor Recipient) and Sen. John Kerry, who I understand was in Vietnam.
Other pork included:
- $20 million for the Maui Space Surveillance System in Hawaii, requested by Inouye.
- Inouye inserted 35 “earmarks” worth more than $206 million, but was out-stolen by ranking Republican on the committee, Sen. Thad Cochran, with 48 pet projects totaling $216 million.
Beyond the creative accounting, the bill includes $2.5 billion for 10 Boeing C-17 cargo planes that the military says it does not need, and $1.7 billion for an extra DDG-51 destroyer not requested in the Pentagon's budget proposal.
An analysis of the fiscal raiding party points out that "Air Force and Navy combat pilots training to deploy are getting about half of the flying hours they got at the end of the Vietnam War."
"Army tank crews get less in tank training today than they did during the low-readiness Clinton years,” the report said.
To its possible credit, the White House Office of Management and Budget has called on lawmakers to reverse the cuts.
But I suspect the “call” was muted at best and issued only to provide the administration with national defense cover.
Let us not forget--Obama is the Big Satan, but Congress is the Little Satan.
What restriction is there on America's Mussolini? He and his tyrants are free to do as they wish with America's liberty because there is little but enthusiastic propoganda from the press, the party opposing him is tied to the foolishness of "compromise" rather than principled leadership, and reasoned logic has no place in the public discussion; "fundamental change" requires a cult leader and he has been found, marked, and elevated. Fools seeking something for nothing have long ago sold the self-reliance of America overseas and now our financial health is dependant upon the whim of Mao's ghost and the sweat of cheap Asian labor.
How does it feel to guzzle poison, thinking it the solution to your troubles? Oh your troubles will be over, and sooner than you had hoped, but the solution is not what you thought.
What's that? Eyes getting dim, and there is an increasing ringing in your ears? Feet and hands getting numb? Your heart is beginning to race and your mouth is really dry, isn't it? Good. Just lie down over here, and sign this DNR form and this POA. Quickly now, before it's too late.
There. Done.
Behold the new Utopia!
Dan Patterson
Arrogant Infidel
Posted by: Dan Patterson | October 17, 2009 at 03:03 PM