While I’m not a fiction writer, I think I could adequately acquit myself due to a decent imagination.
However… I would never have come up with the following:
“White House officials are disputing an allegation making the rounds in conservative media outlets that a White House official threatened Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., that if he doesn't support Democratic health care reform legislation, Nebraska's Offutt Air Force Base will end up on the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) list.
“White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer said in a statement issued Wednesday night that the ‘rumor is absolutely false, as the people spreading it well know. This is nothing but a cynical, crass political game that is designed to maintain the status quo’."
My friends, Offutt is not simply an Air Force base… it is perhaps THE military U.S. base.
Why is it in Nebraska…. c’mon, put on yer war caps; because it’s as far as you can get from missiles fired from Russian and China.
- President Bush was taken to the Offutt Strategic Command Underground Command Center’s underground bunker designed to withstand a nuclear blast after 9/11. From this location he received the latest intel and prepared for the coming war.
- It is headquarters to the U.S. Strategic Command, Air Force Weather Agency, and the 55th Wing of the Air Combat command.
- It is home to all branches—approximately 10,000 military and federal employees are assigned.
- Offutt is also home to 14,232 military dependants, 25,500 military retirees (4-state area) 3,000 civilian employees and 500 reservists.
Yes, Real Americans, the Fifth-Columnist President has threatened to close America’s most important base and crush our national defense to strong arm an elected member of Congress for not supporting ObamaCare.
And speaking of the air war… Newsweek reports that the Commander-in-Chief who finds the “victorious” attitude of our military distasteful is now highly concerned about “… firing (drone) missiles into urban areas like Quetta, where intelligence reports suggest that Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar and other high-level militants have sometimes taken shelter, would greatly increase the risk of civilian casualties.”
It’s even obvious to a third grader how stupid and suicidal this is, and he probably already knows that Obama’s ROE (rules of engagement) prevent our soldiers and Marines from engaging the sub-humans in villages and especially in mosques. ( HotAir.com reports.)
So Johnny, where might we find the aforementioned IslamoNazis?
And speaking of where homicidal wastes-of-skin can most easily be found, there is this—a five-story building two blocks north of the World Trade Center site, now houses a Muslim prayer space. The building housed a retail business until Sept. 11, 2001, but had been vacant since, until a group of Muslims bought it in July:
“But for months now, out of the public eye, an iron gate rises every Friday afternoon, and with the outside rumblings of construction at ground zero as a backdrop, hundreds of Muslims crowd inside, facing Mecca in prayer and listening to their imam read in Arabic from the Koran.
“The building has no sign that hints at its use as a Muslim prayer space, but these modest beginnings point to a far grander vision: an Islamic center near the city’s most hallowed piece of land that would stand as one of ground zero’s more unexpected and striking neighbors.
“The location was precisely a key selling point for the group of Muslims who bought the building in July. A presence so close to the World Trade Center, “where a piece of the wreckage fell,” said Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the cleric leading the project, “sends the opposite statement to what happened on 9/11.”
Jed Babbin of National Review online reports that one of America’s best somehow slipped past the nation’s attention for his bravery in a combat zone…. by fighting his superior officers:
While serving in Iraq in 2003 artillery commander LtCol. Allen West was in charge of interrogating and Iraqi police officer suspected of having information about planned attacks on American forces.
Local informants told West he was specifically targeted for assassination and fingered the double-agent who was uncooperative. West took a few of his men to the interrogation area to see for himself, where he found the prisoner being questioned by two female officers. They told him the man “was belligerent, and wasn't giving them any information.”
Aren’t you shocked, shocked that chicks questioning ragheads doesn’t work?
West, obviously a throw-back to WWII, sat across from the man, and after about 20 more minutes of useless questioning , West grabbed the man, held him down near a box full of sand used to discharge jammed weapons, and threatened to shoot him at the count of five.
No response.
West held the man down, counted to five, and then fired his pistol into the discharging box about a foot from the Iraqi's head.
He began talking… quickly. Over the next few minutes, the prisoner gave very specific information, he named the conspirators, gave times and dates of the assassination plan, and even described how attacks would be made. Lives were saved.
West immediately went to his commanding officer, woke him up and told him what he had done, and about the information he'd gotten from the Iraqi.
Everything went up the chain-of-command.
West, just short of 20 years’ service, was charged with violating UCMJ articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) and was in danger of receiving an 11 year prison sentence, dismissal, and losing his retirement benefits. West was
Processed through an Article 32 hearing, he admitted wrongdoing, was fined $5,000 over two months for misconduct and assault. He then submitted his resignation, and was allowed to retire with full benefits in the summer of 2004.
Almost 100 members of Congress signed letters urging full retirement for the career solider.
After the ordeal West said: “I stand by my actions and those of far more courageous men and women who understand the commitment to protect the American people. I made a simple statement at my Article 32 hearing when asked if I would take the same action again, ‘If it is about the safety and lives of my men, I would go through hell with a gasoline can’.
Man’s best friend
And now a great dog story… I’ve been aware of the wonderfully named Faith… a Lab-chow mix who is one of God’s greatest creatures and has done more for humans than most humans.
AP reports:
Born without front legs to a junkyard dog around Christmas 2002, Faith the puppy was rejected and abused by her mother. She was rescued by Reuben Stringfellow, now an Army E-4 specialist, who had been asked to bury other puppies in the litter.
Jude Stringfellow immediately took in the happy puppy who always wanted to play despite her initially ability to walk; she persisted until, amazingly, she simply rose on her hind legs and never looked back.
Stringfellow will never forget a woman from New York who happened to see Faith on a street corner. The woman was depressed and had lost both legs to diabetes.
"She was in her wheelchair and saw us. She was crying. She had seen Faith on television. She just held her and said she wished she had that kind of courage." Stringfellow said. "She told us: 'I was on my way to pick up the gun.' She handed the pawn ticket to a police officer and said she didn't need it anymore."
Faith is now helping our troops. Last weekend she headed to Washington state, where she met with as many as 5,000 soldiers at McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis. Some of the soldiers were headed to war, some were coming back, some with disabilities.
"She just walks around barking and laughing and excited to see them all," Jude Stringfellow said. "There is a lot of crying, pointing and surprise. From those who have lost friends or limbs, there can be silence. Some will shake my hand and thank me, some will pat her on the head. There is a lot of quiet, heartfelt, really deep emotion."
But Faith's most emotional reunion — with Reuben Stringfellow, who rescued her 7 years ago this Christmas — will have to wait for January. He's already gotten Faith a birthday present: a peanut butter cookie with her name on it.
For more great pictures like these go to Faith’s website. If you are so money send a few dollars of buy a book or two to support this noble dog.
And here she is in action:
Play Video Video: First Person: Faith the Dog inspires with two legs AP
Gotta run… I’m going to hugs my dogs.
We have to be carefully with that animals, they need our love.
Posted by: Real State in Costa Rica | April 06, 2010 at 01:11 PM