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« A few pictures are worth a trillion words.. | Main | First Sgt. David McNerney »

September 10, 2010


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Sal is an epic badass who truly is cocrert when he states that anyone would have done the same thing. Only difference is, he actually stepped up and did it. What a badass.


Battlefield Beta date has not been confirmed. All that we know so far is that BF3 beta will be abaliavle september. If you plan on playing on PC you MUST download Origin to play this game, it will not be abaliavle through steam.


Visit learn more about SSG Giunta and his acts of heroism.

pontiff alex

At least he didn't have to wait 40 years....I'm sure he'll wear it in great reverence, as all M O H do...

Jinger Jarrett

Bet this will be a major setback for the homosexual crowd. After all, this guy is straight.

For all that it's been shoved down our throats how patriotic that homosexuals are, where are their heroes? LOL

Anyway, this is good news. I wish we could pin all of the medals on while they're still alive. They deserve every honor we can give them.

Jinger Jarrett
US Army Veteran


Semper Fi, USMC Msgt. ret. 1961-1988

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