We here at the Southern Command have been on record for some time discouraging young men and women from enlisting in the United States military currently under the control of the Obama Administration and its congressional lackeys.
We take this position because most of the democrat party and not a small percentage of republicans for that matter, do not give a damn about the military and veterans, about your welfare, about your family, and most especially if you come back in a body bag; in fact, your death solves some of the economic shortfalls within the Pentagon budget.
And now that Congress has ended DADT with the passage of the “We’re no longer the world’s premier fighting force, we’re an on-going experiment in social justice” bill, I say again…… do not sacrifice your patriotism, your youth, your physical health, your mind and spirit for a nation that cares more about undermining America than it does about your honorable service.
If you’re already in uniform… thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service and sacrifice… and take the first opportunity to get out and get back to your family and a different career. Become a contractor, they can still hire and reject who they want—and the pay’s much better.
Don’t ignore my warnings, young trooper, you have already have missed the last days of American as a serious military power; I don’t have to tell you, by the current rules of engagement, you aleady fight with virtually both arms restrained.
The subhumans hide in mosques and shoot your buddies, yet your superiors refuse to authorize an air strike to send them to pig heaven.
You want more of that? You want the nightmares, the teeth-fracturing rage at the government that sent you to a third-world shit hole so you can be killed while your commanding officers fill the ranks with homosexuals intent making your beloved branch just one more flamboyant, transvestite, transsexual hang out?
Our glory days are gone; Vietnam was the writing on the wall. We, too, were the best there was and the same government filled almost 60,000 body bags with us because of repeatedly failed leadership, politicians personally picking air strike targets in North Vietnam and the willingness to trade American lives for votes.
Those were my days; we had a few good days in the Reagan days, but the truth is we haven’t fought to win a war since the summer of 1945.
And now that these fifth-columnists and out and out traitors have finally succeeded in destroying the last and only segment of the government that works—the military—do not sacrifice yourself for a suicide mission.
- Right now you serve under an unqualified affirmative action hire who as commander in chief, bows to the very subhumans who want you dead. If it’s a choice between a haji and you… you’re going under the bus.
- Now there is a woman heading Homeland Security (in charge of your family’s safety and well-being) while you’re over there catching bullets; her only qualification? She’s a dyke.
You see the pattern here, Breeder?
What happens now:
It will take weeks, a few months, but the left’s homosexual social engineering agenda will begin to undermine the most power military in world history, and eventually we’ll die and turn to dust from within, still never having lost a war.
When the first transsexual marches down to the local recruiters (followed by the alerted news traitors) the military will become a laughing stock.
This “out” queer will be enlisted and then followed through boot camp like Elvis Presley was back in the 50s, and the entire purpose of the charade will be nothing more the attempt to find grounds for an anti-discrimination law suit.
We’ve been through this part before…
Many years ago it was called “Dupe Shannon Faulkner helps feminists destroy The Citadel”.
…. and the result of that bit of social engineering by the far left?
CHARLESTON, South Carolina (AP) -- Almost 20 percent of the female cadets at The Citadel last spring reported being sexually assaulted since enrolling at the state military college, according to results of a survey released by the school Wednesday. (2006)
On Aug. 15, 1995, after four whole hours of military indoctrination training, she spent the remainder of the first week in the infirmary before voluntarily resigning, citing emotional and psychological abuse and physical exhaustion. After her departure, the male cadets openly celebrated.
What was accomplished, considering Fat Ass Faulkner couldn't hack a whole day of physical training and quit, leaving the Citadel in turmoil, its long and honored tradition in tatters?
And she quit.
Was it about the military, an education, duty , honor country… hell no, it was about a feminist agenda to help undermine American society.
Faulkner now teaches at Hughes Academy Of Science and Technology, a middle school, in Greenville, S.C. The ten-year-old spawn of left wingers… sounds about like what she can handle.
The great likelihood is that our military will simply grind to a halt, awash in federal investigations, waves of UCMJ charges, careers ruined, promotions dashed. Sergeant Tutu of the Interior Design Unit will take his life partner to some state where same-sex marriage is “legal”, sign the papers and then demand a dependent’s ID card, health care, military pay increase, access to base privileges and housing and will expect an invitation to the Commanding Officer's wife’s spouses' group.
There will be hell to pay if any/all of that is not immediately forthcoming. And there you have it… the federal government has just recognized same sex marriage.
In the ranks:
Our very gay-friendly Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Adm. Mike Mullen is already on record about the 60-percent of those in combat arms who oppose homosexuals acting out in the military:
If you don’t like, get the hell out.
“We treat each other with respect or we find another place to work. Period,” he said… adding that some soldiers and Marines may want separate shower facilities. “Some may ask for different berthing. Some may even quit the service. We’ll deal with that.” Mullen said.
Yes, that’s right… Staff Sergeant, Captain, Lance Corporal, Submariner… “love it or leave it.”
Thank God and Chesty Puller that my Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos was immediately on record, opposing the repeal and protecting his Marines, not pushing some bullshit political agenda. In a very measured and restrained understatement Amos said that the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" could cause a "distraction" to troops and potentially endanger lives.
"Look, anything that's going to break or potentially break that focus and cause any kind of distraction may have an effect on cohesion...I don't want to permit that opportunity to happen."
I don't want to lose any Marines to the distraction," Amos said. "I don't want to have any Marines that I'm visiting at Bethesda (Naval Medical Center) with no legs be the result of any type of distraction."
Are you ready to pay for sex change operations and 6’4”, 230-pound Air Force admin personnel in skirts and size 12 black patent leather pumps?
And what of AIDS and other STDs, just how quickly will they spread through an openly gay organization… look what’s happened in Hollywood and on Broadway.
And taxpayers, you’ll pick up all the medical costs of the very expensive treatment, meds, separate hospital wards and all the rest. And that part of the budget will be lavishly spent on sexually irresponsible gays and reduce the amount of funds for the rest of the military.
And what will happen on the battlefield when an openly gay solider is wounded? Take it from anyone who’s been there… even small wounds bleed; big wound bleed all over the damned place; you gonna jump right in there, risk your life for some political agitators’ view of a military utopia?
If you don’t, I’ll guarantee that you will be persecuted under the UCMJ; you will be found guilty and you will be punished and jailed.
Here are some issues raised by FamilySecurityMatters.org:
- What if an openly gay NCO orders his recruits to shower naked? What if an openly gay officer favors other gay subordinates during her annual performance reviews?
- At an extreme, what if a unit commander, openly gay, insists that his (or her) subordinates all wear the same uniform, forcing some to cross-dress?
- Even the absurd has to be considered, especially if one reviews the incongruous behavior of many of the openly gay community who like to display their pride in their sexuality.
(The above is exactly what will occur inside the military as soon as the militant gays in uniform start down their list of further grievances.)
Homosexuals will no longer be forced to keep it in their pants, as it were, and will do what they always do… pushy, annoying, insincere about the military mission… out and proud… and definitely loud.
There will be sensitivity training for the haters and homophobes which will certainly increase the Esprit d'Corps and unity, won't it?
The repeal of DADT is not the end… it is only the beginning.
I mean after all, we should be more enlightened like the Europeans… right?
And if you disagree, refuse, complain, take action for the good of the mission, you will be considered a troublemaker at best and at worst you’ll be busted out of the military on a “hate crime”… you think not?
Where you been the last 30 years?
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Posted by: Enlagelve | January 11, 2012 at 02:04 AM
Poor news - Syria's 'mutilation mystery' deepens...
Posted by: Aaron Espinoza | December 06, 2011 at 01:59 AM
Why is there still gay issues in the government, the military or even in the workplace? These are just questions that made me realize that we are still stuck in the limbo of homophobia that can ruin the society we live in. This issues will not end unless there is still oppression especially in the military service about gay men in uniforms. Instead, let us look at the crucial problem,s of the society like poverty, unemployment and the rest.
Posted by: virginia web design | December 20, 2010 at 10:01 PM
This is really sick! There are still a lot of issues in the government that has to be given solutions yet we tend to have actions on gay issues in the military. These gay men have contributed a lot in terms of national security. I have to say that there has to be a full respect given to them. This issue won't die unless there are still people who are narrow minded about this social issue.
Posted by: CFD Trading Strategies | December 20, 2010 at 09:20 PM
Great post. I've cross-linked to mine on the same subject. I expect the repeal of DADT will soon lead to an exodus from the ranks and the eventual re-institution of the draft. If the military had been homo-friendly in '66, I'd have never enlisted...
Posted by: Bo | December 20, 2010 at 06:45 PM
This has to be one of the most on point editorials you have ever written. It is definitely a sign of things to come. Get ready and buckle your seatbelts America, it is going to be a bumpy ride.
Posted by: TOP | December 20, 2010 at 04:00 PM