A handful of my early adult years were wasted in an intellectual dalliance with my own odd version of “liberalism”; equal parts of anger at Washington D.C. as it turned its back on Vietnam, my own (mal)adjustment to life as a civilian, and a feeling of being abandoned by the very generation on whose values I’d based my life.
I roughly summed it up this way: “I’m not a hippie, I’m a long-hair; a hippie won’t kick your ass.”
And with the emergence of Reagan—as true a conservative leader as we’ve had in the last 100 years—I returned to a meaningful political philosophy laid on a foundation of action… not reaction to the world around me.
What followed has been some 35 years of study and research.
This self-education, which has served me far better than the one I obtained in my undergrad and grad school years; virtually everything I’ve come to believe has been repeatedly confirmed.
I am both enraged and deeply saddened.
Just spend an hour or two looking at what is happening to you community… your state, your nation after more than 50 years of primarily leftwing/democrat governance.
In fact, you don’t even need that much time… just look at Madison Wisconsin, long a hotbed of state-supported on-campus, radical left-wing training and deadly terrorism.
In the beginning:
On display now is Real America fighting back the against the combined forces of a political-union-state-run news media- government cabal intent on bringing this nation to its knees.
Everything real conservatives have warned about for decades is upon us; it began with the slow take-over of our schools by the left and was accelerated by 1960s programs like “Head Start” which essentially rushed babies into government indoctrination centers at age three… the edu-speak term is “pre-k”.
How wonderful, our most precious beings, our hope and future turned over to the state before a child knows his parents aren’t named “mommy” and “daddy”.
Like building with Legos, the socialists grabbed the children by developing a government-run and paid-for program disguised as “educational”; they sweetened the pot with food; first, free breakfast, then free lunch, and now in some states a a “free” dinner has been added.
There are some school districts which provide free meals during the summer.
The result of such base-line, brain-washing programs is that children spend more time with government agents that they do with family, especially parents; who has more of a relationship with them? Worse, who has more influence and control?
This is happening; it is purposeful, well-organized and funded, committed, national and international. It is and will continue to be violent, and eventually deadly.
Look to Madison.
One product of at least eight years of programming, Madison schools-style said, "I guess we're protesting...’cause the dude (Gov. Walker) won’t do what he’s supposed to."
- Last week, nearly 800 Madison East High School students — half the school — walked out to participate in a demonstration at the state Capitol.
- Students at West, Memorial and at other schools around the state also participated in demonstrations during school hours.
- The next day Madison canceled school after about 1,100 union teachers — almost half of its staff — called in sick.
These little heads full of mush are not being educated, but believe me, they are being schooled in how to become the most useful type of socialist “useful idiot”… under-age, under-educated, unaware and un-American.
This education community organizing has spread through the country, infecting our children, our towns an cities by the cancer…teachers’ unions.
Yesterday, just 70 miles from my keyboard:
ARLINGTON (CBSDFW.COM) – A bake sale in an Arlington neighborhood started as a classroom assignment. Third graders at Duff Elementary School in Arlington were asked to identify a problem and map out a solution. (emphasis-ed.)
Eight-year-old Brianna Hicks said, “We are doing cookies against cuts.” The girls knew their teacher Traci Seibold, who is in her first year with the district, could lose her job.
“We’re trying to save her against the next budget cut,” Brianna said.
Seibold wanted her students to learn about community involvement, but she never dreamed they would try to help her.
This cynical, despicable “class project” forced on students who still collect Barbies, aided by some parents, succeeded in lifting $1,300 from little kids and area residents as the word spread over social(ist) media.
Miss Traci, you can brainwash eight, nine-year-old kids all day with ease, but don’t piss down my boot and tell me it’s raining.
How did this young American woman get to this point so early in her career?
Easy… she was in an American third grade classroom 12 years ago.
This then is the base, the cannon fodder (“it’s for the children”) which is the point of union propaganda spear and they use it.
The unions control education, and are in unholy alliance with the democrat party, and unionized federal government workers.
The education and federal employees unions give hundreds of millions to democrats who in turn enact laws and programs which funnel taxpayer money back to the unions.
This has nothing to do with schools, children, even education… it has to do with naked power.
Look to Madison.
A cameo of how this finely-tuned cabal works is the “Flee-baggers” —the dozen or so Wisconsin democrat legislators who fled the state rather than honor their oath of office, form a quorum and vote on the bills eliminating collective bargaining for some public employees.
SEIU Goon Squads Planning “Solidarity” Marches Across the Country Monday…:
Indiana, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas and of course, Wisconsin.
In the blue corner….
… academia, education, unions, government, media and news media, Hollywood/art/etc., broadcasting, publishing, the uber-rich (Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg).
Fighting out of the red corner: America.
Using unlimited funds, Obamas’ “Organizing for America” is working feverishly behind the scenes at grass roots level:
(Politico)- The Democratic National Committee’s “Organizing for America” (OFA) arm — the remnant of the 2008 Obama campaign — is playing an active role in organizing protests against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s attempt to strip most public employees of collective bargaining rights.
Organizing for America is already coordinating protests against proposed reforms in Ohio, Michigan and Missouri.
And finally, the big gun:
Community Organizer-in-Chief and SEIU spokesman Barry Soetoro, said within the first 24 hours of civil unrest in Madison:
“Some of what I’ve heard coming out of Wisconsin, where you’re just making it harder for public employees to collectively bargain, generally seems like more of an assault on unions. I think it's very important for us to understand that public employees, they're our neighbors, they're our friends.” -- Obama interview with Milwaukee’s WTMJ
Where exactly did Barry come from?… he more or less invented or created by all these radical-left forces so that in his first year or two of college, his handlers knew he was headed in the “right” direction:
“I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists….” –---“Dreams From My Father” – Barack Obama
Notice he did not say, history professors, or sociology, English, literature or economics professors… he said “Marxist professors”.
Perhaps he thought it redundant.
Obama is the culmination of the Bolshevik Revolution and almost 100 years of hard, dedicated work by the radical American left-wing.
Meanwhile the socialist controlled news media is in full propaganda mode, refusing to carry the kinds of images and comments you are able to see and read here and elsewhere on the WWW.
Americas’ strength is held together by the internet and talk radio… which is why they are under attack by this Marxist government. See: The Second Offensive…
The only thing that stands between us and oblivion is us… the fight is local now and decidedly not an intellectual exercise on geo-politics; it’s in the trenches, it’s coming to your town, and soon.
Just look to Madison.
“The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service,” Roosevelt wrote in 1937 to the National Federation of Federal Employees. Yes, public workers may demand fair treatment, wrote Roosevelt. But, he wrote, “I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place” in the public sector. “A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government.” -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Little heads full of mush that turn into fat heads full of a more odiferous substance, witness the student louts at Columbia U. who jeered and harassed a Purple Heart vet for the temerity of uttering a public word in favor of the ROTC program: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/hero_unwelcome_Zi3u1fwtRpo87vXAiAQfSN
"Flee-baggers" - perfect.
Posted by: Bo | February 21, 2011 at 11:31 AM