I wrote most of this last night, but failed to post; I’m glad I waited and it didn’t take long for the following to confirm what Real American conservatives have been focusing on for sometime.
Just one of our major enemies in the Obama White House is on tape admitting that the ultimate goal of green jobs is to crush capitalism and bring complete revolutionary change to America.
It is important that you listen to this short audio clip from Breitbart.tv via HotAir.com of something called “Uprising Radio” in which Obama’s green jobs czar” blatantly admits what “hope and change” really means.
The admitted Communist urges “complete revolution” which has already begun as a “small sub-set” of Obama’s greater goal:
“The green economy will start off as a small subset and we gonna push it, and push it, and push it, until it becomes the engine for the transformation of the whole society.”
Let’s take a further look back at perhaps the most radical member of the Obama fascist regime:
I’ve been watching videos of Van Jones, Obama’s “Green Jobs Czar”, and hearing him speak makes it even more clear; he’s just another ghetto-speak, race-hustling thug… a shrewd, Ivy League educated, con artist clone of Obama.
Except he is far more crude; he is Che Guevara to Barack Obama’s Fidel Castro.
And like Obama, he often speaks in rambling platitudes, but when it comes to means, motive and opportunity, he is remarkably candid as you heard in the above audio tape.
This avowed Communist, apparently we need to:
- “retrofit, reboot, repower the nation”
- seek “environmental justice”
- “I am not scared [of the economic situation], because from breakdowns come breakthroughs,”
- To envirobots: “The reason you were born is to be fully expressed - right now. The seeds of ideas you’ve had in notebooks…the ideas you haven’t moved on, this is the moment to act them.”
More important than all this is that, Jones is the prototypical commie-turned-environmentalist I’ve written about for years. This is the collectivist takeover by stealth; Jones is no more interested in “green jobs” than I am, which is zero.
Here’s what he really is: He speaks of how "green jobs" will be the initial beachhead by which to completely defeat the "status quo" with this revolutionary "new democracy", to further not only environmental issues but a variety of other political causes in America.
And like Obama, who clearly stated that he was going to “fundamentally change America”, Jones has said, "I'm willing to forego the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends."
He couldn’t have said it more plainly.
After becoming a communist in jail, Van Jones apparently found most groups were not radical enough for him, so he co-founded Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement -- or, as it was known on the street, "STORM."
The organization’s goal was to resist "U.S. imperialism" worldwide, standing proudly with the likes of Karl Marx and V. Lenin in support of a "commitment to the fundamental ideas of Marxism-Leninism."
STORM’s manifesto, Reclaiming Revolution, was recently scrubbed from the internet when Jones surfaced on Real America’s radar, but thanks to many sources it survives in pdf format here.
This radical communist is collaborating with the president to destroy your country.
Though he serves as one of Obama’s more than 30 senior advisors who are answerable only to him and were not vetted in any valid manner, I can only find a single photo of Jones and Obama together on the internet.
Not a big deal… just interesting.
Jones uses his green cover very well.
He will wear the $1,500 suit, adopt the title and use the environmental buzz words, talk about polar bears to the children, so he can camouflage himself among the useful idiots of the so-called “green movement”.
When asked on tape what his job is in the Obama administration, Jones replied, “What I do, to kinda make it simple, I'm basically a community organizer inside the federal government."
There… doesn’t get much plainer than that.
And like Obama, he followed the same radical left-wing path to power, getting help all along the way from some of the same people.
Cliff Kincaid, editor of the Accuracy in Media Report writes:
“Jones' meteoric rise was assisted by many different liberal-left foundations, including the Open Society Institute of George Soros, which helped finance his ‘Green for All’ organization. His book includes endorsements from Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, TV host Tavis Smiley, former Senator Tom Daschle, Arianna Huffington, and Larry Brilliant of Google.”
Jones’ name is on the cover of his book, but I can guarantee you that the professional ghost writer and lefty “activist” Ariane Conrad who is credited inside the book, is all but completely responsible.
Sound familiar? Who do you think might have written “The Audacity of Hope”?
Obama’s second book drew such howlingly laughable praise as, “… the best writer in the White House since Lincoln.”
Let us behold this superiorly talented author in 1983 before he was groomed, paid, and connected:
“The belief that moribund institutions, rather than individuals are at the root of the problem, keep Students Against Militarism energies alive. -----"Breaking The War Mentality," in the Columbia weekly news magazine Sundial, March 1983.
That’s Obama without a ghost writer.
Writing in The American Thinker Jack Cashill reports, “He wrote this after eight years at Hawaii's best prep school and after four years at two good universities.”
Many critics and literary types believe that large portions, if not all of Obama’s second book, were written by Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers.
Over and over, the same names come up again and again.
Out of nowhere literary agent Jane Dystel asked Obama, still in Harvard Law in 1990, to submit a book proposal to an imprint of Simon & Schuster. The publisher liked the proposal and advanced him about $125,000. Several years passed and Obama was too busy finishing law school and embarking on his career to get the book done.
Simon & Schuster canceled the contract, which probably meant that Obama had to pay back at least some of what he had received of the advance.
Dystel, resurrected the project five years later and got “Dreams of my Father” published; at 10,000 copies sold it was a modest success. Obama’s second autobiography (cheeky for a man so young, no?) The Audacity of Hope became a the best seller and has made Obama millions.
Jones’ book, The Green Collar Economy, only has his name on the cover. But it appears that the book was largely written by Ariane Conrad, an activist and writer whose name appears on the inside, as in, by "Van Jones, with Ariane Conrad."
The use of "with" is morally obligatory and suggests that she helped out in some way with the actual writing.
Conrad says on her blog that she "helped Van write his first, New York Times-bestselling book" and describes herself as someone who has "specialized in working collaboratively with authors, especially first-timers, to produce non-fiction books."
However, the Jones book relies on discredited "experts" such as charlatan crackpots Rachel Carson and Paul Ehrlich, who exaggerated environmental dangers and ushered in stronger government controls and regulations.
The book denounces the "Indian-killing Teddy Roosevelt," nuclear power, and the Iraq War and, sounding like Obama, Jones says that "we will have to fundamentally restructure the U.S. economy." He urges a new global warming treaty.
I wonder who “helped” Jones buy his house. I wonder if we can get his college writings, grades, classes…. we cannot get his boss’.
How ‘bout this:
“If we can get these (black) youth in on the ground floor of the solar industry now, where they can be installers today, they’ll become managers in five years and owner s in 10. And then they become inventors. The green economy has the power to deliver new sources of work, wealth and health to low-income people—while honoring the Earth. We can make what is good for poor black kids good for the polar bears and good for the country."
Got that? uneducated, crack-smoking Crips will become installers of solar panels and in short order, own the company and then become “inventors” who will eventually save the planet and its polar bears from what, exactly, I know not.
Tens of thousands of prisoners be put to work “installing solar panels” with the prison guards acting more as job foremen.
What could happen?
America, our enemies stand arrayed against us, and it is time to stop them where they stand.
It is not enough to turn back the thinly-cloaked “health care reform” or cap and trade; the Obama Administration must be ground down to inaction and the 44th President of the United States must forced to resign or be impeached.
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