Over the years I’ve insisted that the real political enemy Real America faces is the Republican Party leadership.
Today Rinotastic AZ Governor Jan Brewer takes center stage with yesterday’s veto of two bills:
Senate Bill 1467:
- Would’ve allowed concealed carry on public rights of way at public university and community college campuses; not inside classrooms. University presidents opposed the bill (duh) because despite living in Arizona they are scumbag leftists just like their counterparts in Stanford, Berkeley, Boulder and New York.
House Bill 2177:
- Would’ve required President Hussein and other presidential candidates to prove they are U.S. citizens before their names can appear on the state’s ballot
- Arizona would’ve become the first state to require such proof
- Thirteen other states have considered similar proposals this year. The proposals were defeated in Arkansas, Connecticut, Maine and Montana.
And here’s a bit of additional red meat out of Brewer’s office just today:
It appears that despite overwhelming passage of a bill that would create a special “Don’t Tread On Me” license plate commemorating tea party supporters. It would require the plate to feature the rattlesnake emblem and yellow background of the historic Gadsden Flag that is a symbol of the tea party movement. ”Don’t Tread on Me” plates have also become a popular issue in Virginia and Texas.
Yet, Brewer “hasn’t made up her mind” about signing the bill.
That’s RINO-speak for “ain’t gonna happen”; there is only one reason for all these left-friendly decisions… on Jan. 8 an obscure, female, left-wing government official was shot and wounded in Tucson.
When it comes to gut issues from Real America, the GOP hierarchy wets itself and runs for cover. That’s what we have gun control, confiscation of private property, stolen elections, a greatly fatigued military, and a near comatose economy.
Time and time again, from George H.W. Bush to George W. to McCain to a GOP House of Representatives, Republicans have caved at every turn; the House leadership shouted they would not bend on the a $60 billion cut in spending, then declared a deal for only $39 billion in spending cuts a giant victory.
Speaker ”Crying” John Boehner told his rank and file the half-a-loaf legislation marked the “largest real-dollar spending cut in American history.”
But wait there’s less.. the bill increases the annual deficit from last year’s $1.29 trillion to $1.58 trillion for fiscal 2011. And only in Mordor-on-the-Potomac would you get this explanation:
Republican and Democratic leaders touted the “cuts” in the bill because the proposed $1.58 trillion deficit in the compromise is lower than the $1.65 trillion deficit that would have resulted from passage of the White House budget proposal. – American Patriot.
It has always been true that the GOP congress members are far more comfortable remaining the minority party. They collect their checks and perks and do little more than hope for a Republican president.
In the GOP Bizarro World , House Speaker “Mr.” Sam Rayburn is John Boehner.
Former Sen. Alan Simpson joined the Brewer Parade bashing the Republicans mulling 2012 presidential campaigns on MSNBC’s “Hardball” Monday: “Then you’ve got homosexuality,” he said. “You’ve got ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’
“We have homophobes in our party. That’s disgusting to me. We’re all human beings. We’re all God’s children. … [Former Pennsylvania senator Rick] Santorum has said some cruel things, cruel, cruel things about homosexuals. Ask him about it. See if he attributes the cruelness of his remarks years ago. Foul.”
Just a little matter of the truth… Santorum never said anything close to that.
The RINOemeritus continued: ”…. I’m not sticking with people who are homophobic, anti-women, you know, moral values while you’re diddling your secretary while you’re giving a speech on moral values. Come on. Get off of it.”
“Who the hell is for abortion? I don’t know anybody running around with a sign that says, have an abortion, they’re wonderful. They’re hideous.”
Apparently Simpson is deaf, dumb and blind:
Simpson added: ” (Abortion) is a deeply intimate and personal decision, and I don’t think men legislators should even vote on the issue.”
Idiot… I don’t think democrats should serve in the U.S. Congress, but that’s not the system we have, is it? Besides, if men don’t save unborn babies, no one will.
We face the most important election in our history, yet we are being sabotaged by the likes of the above who have never been conservative, Constitutionalists unwilling to back down from a fight… even when we hold the moral, political and patriotic high ground.
I fear that when it’s time for the GOP to stand up, it will vote “present”.
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