Faithful Reader Tony wrote to complain of the seeming dearth of news coverage regarding Army’s affirmative action shrink at Fort Hood, Nidal Malik Hasan, who was vetted so well that even talking and writing about jihad and killing U.S. soldiers didn’t result in…… anything.
A review of usual websites and sources indicates that one, the wheels of justice grand exceeding slow, and two, since the USPCA—United States Politically Correct Army—the motto of which is “Loss of life is bad but if our diversity becomes a casualty, that's worse," the impending trial could go on forever.
But what with Hasan being paralyzed from mid-chest down, his “medical/ rehabilitation” leads me to think a mass-murder trial wouldn't begin until next fall.
And it may not even occur…. the Army is currently assembling a “sanity board” that will ascertain the level of Hasan’s mental stability at the time of the shootings. "I've been telling everyone all along that mental responsibility is the major issue in this case," said Hasan’s lawyer, John Galligan, in a statement to the Associated Press.
Hasan will likely remain at Brooke for the next several months.
Hasan, shown right in his Muslim garb in a 7-Eleven, is scheduled to be charged with 13 counts of murder and approximately 30 counts of attempted murder. There is reportedly a 14th murder charge in regards to the death of a victim’s unborn child, one Francheska Valez, though that charge is yet to have been filed.
Under the UCMJ a jury composed of 12 of Hasan's fellow officers will have to answer a narrower question: Did Major Nidal Malik Hasan murder 13 people and, if found guilty, how should he pay for his crimes?
Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice there is no provision for bail and the prosecution is required to bring its case to trial in 120 days. Once a military suspect has been informed that he is under investigation, the 120-day clock starts ticking toward the trial, by the deadline may be extended any time the defense is granted a delay.
However….. as we have seen Barack Hussein Obama as commander-in-chief (damn, I hate writing that) can and will do anything he chooses when it comes to terrorists… drop charges, release them back to al-Qaeda to kill our troops.
And let us remember that Richard Nixon intervened in the case against Lt. William Calley who murdered scores of Vietnamese civilians over the objections of his DoD Sec. Melvin Laird. Calley was freed by an appeals court after only 3½ years of military house arrest, Calley was sentenced to a life term at hard labor for the murder of only 22 villagers.
A travesty, especially since Calley should have been executed.
But GA, President Obama said: "For what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice — in this world, and the next."
You been in a coma? For the Liar-in-Chief, words have only transitory meaning.
And those who dropped the ball…. again?
On the civilian side of the case, the FBI’s former director, William H. Webster, will conduct an independent review of the bureau’s handling of information about Hasan.
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has announced his own investigation of the terrorist attack.
(Nidal Malik Hasan, left, is seen in 2007 when he entered the program for his Disaster and Military Psychiatry Fellowship and an Oct. 2008 photo shows Imam Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen.)
Prior to the November 5 murders, U.S. intelligence agencies including the FBI knew Hasan had communicated with Anwar Al-Awlaki an American-born jihadist imam who fled to Yemen in 2002. There are conflicting reports about him having been killed in a Yemeni air strike about two weeks ago although his death has not been confirmed.
Hasan shares the al-Awlaki common link with Flight 253 bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab at least two of the 9/11 hijackers and a senior Al Qaeda motivator and recruiter.
Smoking gun e-mails
The Washington Post recently interviewed Awlaki through and intermediary about 20-some emails al-Awlaki received from Hasan were intercepted by American intelligence. A Defense Department analyst examined the messages but decided that they were consistent with “research” Major Hasan was conducting at Walter Reed Medical Center at the time and took no further action.
Federal Bureau of Investigation offices in Washington D.C. and San Diego, received the intercepted messages, but also deemed them innocent.
One of the questions Hasan clearly asked his mentor al-Awlaki clearly sought spiritual sanctions for exactly what he did at Fort Hood.
Q: "So he asked you that question (killing US soldiers) about a year before the operation was carried out?"
A: "Yes. And I wondered how the American security agencies, who claim to be able to read car license plate numbers from space, everywhere in the world, I wondered how [they did not reveal this]."
At the end of the interview al-Awlaki said, “I pray to Allah to receive him in the ranks of the martyrs, since when he did what he did he was expecting to be a martyr," Awlaki said. "If he is executed, good for him."
Awlaki, however, denies recruiting Hasan to commit violence. "Yes, I played a role in guiding his ideology, but nothing beyond that," says Awlaki.
Awlaki bemoans the fact he didn’t play a greater role in the mass-murder which he called an “heroic action."
"The operation had a military target inside America, and there's no dispute about that. “(The soldiers killed) were prepared and equipped to fight and kill oppressed Muslims."
Major Hasan also wrote that he “couldn't wait for join you in the afterlife.”
He added, "My strength is my financial capabilities." Federal investigators have found that Hasan donated $20,000 to $30,000 a year from his $92,000 pay and allowances to overseas Islamic "charities" terrorist groups.
According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 65% of Americans polled believe that the Hasan should receive the death penalty if found guilty.
But Hasan will never be executed.
First, the military hasn't executed anyone since 1961 and secondly, the PC military is not about to inject a Muslim paraplegic for a much-needed dirt nap.
This may cheer you up
Obama has created himself another first.
He has appointed the first transgender presidential (a he-to-she) to position in the federal government.
But sadly for Janet Napolitano, right, the Lesbionic Homeland Security chief, she is still the ugliest woman in the administration.
Obama has named Amanda Simpson, below, to be a Senior Technical Advisor to the Commerce Department. Predictably, she said she hoped that her appointment would open the door for a more and more federal degenerates.
“I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, and that this appointment opens future opportunities for many others."
What has happened to the Yong Women’s Christian Association?
The YWCA named Amanda A 2004 YWCA "Woman on the Move" and had a decidedly butch job as Deputy Director in Advanced Technology Development at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson from which she retired.
Amanda is a former test pilot who had worked for the company for more than a generation -- transitioned from male to female and was instrumental in convincing the military contractor to add “gender identity and expression” to its equal employment opportunity policy.
Later she ran unsuccessfully for Congress and was a Hillary! delegate to the 2008 DNC.
Another plus…. she’s better looking than Chastity “Chas”, the tranny off-spring of famous singer Cher, and better looking than Janet Reno, Avenging Angel of the Waco Mass Murders.
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